In sickness and in debt

blog, city stories, urban brief


I’ve been sick this past week and spending a lot of time resting and feeling sorry for myself. Which means I didn’t get round to preparing a city story for this month.

So I will cop out and post an interesting short report on the results of the crisis on the greek health system. Although most of the emphasis is put on the city of Athens and how it is dealing with the situation this is essential the story of a whole country.

(video taken from BODHI GRAMYO)

London Loop

blog, city stories, urban brief


I’m still a bit out the loop. I might have returned to London but I’m still not properly back in the swing of things.

Today I walked section 17 of the London Loop. So let’s talk about the London Loop.

london loop

The London Outer Orbital Path — more usually the “London LOOP” — is a 240 km long walk around the edge of Outer London that closely follows London’s Green Belt. The walk snakes and zig-zags through parks, woods and fields and forms a nice circle around London.

The Loop was first proposed in the 90s with the first section opening in 1996 and becoming fully walkable by 2001. It consists of 24 sections that vary in length and start and finish at public transport nodes.

There is a certain amount of signage to help you along the way – even though it can be patchy – as well as a book and maps to help you out. The english are crazy about country walks so there are quite a few people who make it a goal to eventually complete the whole loop section by section.

For more information check out:
wikipedia article
walk london website
long distance walkers association

Promenade Plantée

blog, city stories, urban brief

In these series of posts I thought I’d just talk about little stories about cities or places in cities that caught my attention.

Up first is the Viaduc des Arts. Or more specifically the Planted Promenade on the top of it. This is one of those places that I discovered quite by chance while exploring Paris randomly. I came across it, it looked interesting so I climbed up to the walkway to see it better. I ended up walking all the way to end just to see how far it went. It’s just such an oasis of pedestrian calm and greenery in a very busy part of the city.