House in Travessa de Patrocinio by Luís Rebelo de Andrade + Tiago Rebelo de Andrade + Manuel Cachão Tojal

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architecture briefs

House in Travessa de Patrocinio
Architects: Luís Rebelo de Andrade, Tiago Rebelo de Andrade , Manuel Cachão Tojal
Location: Travessa do Patrocínio, Lisbon, Portugal
Completed: 2012

This is a very simple residence in a narrow plot in Lisbon. What caught my interest in it was it’s living facade. Its walls are completely covered with vegetation, creating a vertical garden, filled with around 4500 plants from 25 different Iberian and Mediterranean varieties which occupies 100 square meters.

The plants used need very little water, making its upkeep easy. They also offer a variety of rich scents adding a new olfactory dimension to the architecture. Located in the heart of a busy build up city this building can be literally considered a green lung.

In contrast to the lush exterior covering of the building, the interior is very modern and minimalist, all four floors connected with one single continuous staircase.

Photographs: FG+SG

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