Tangerine Dream at the Union Chapel

blog, concert/performance, cultural stories

I have seen a lot of good concerts this year, and this was definitely one of them! I like myself some good atmospheric ambient and prog. And I love visiting the Union Chapel – it’s both lovely and convenient.

I know Tangerine Dream is a 70s group, and that their leader has died, but I was too young to have had the chance to see them in their heyday. And this year I have been busy ticking artists off my bucket list.

Fever Ray at the Troxy

blog, concert/performance, cultural stories

I have loved The Knife and Fever Ray for several years now. Their combination of haunting vocals and droning electro beats hits my musical sweet-spot just right. So as soon as I learnt Fever Ray was touring to promote her new record, I bought tickets for her London show without having even heard her new album. And then I spent long months eagerly waiting for the concert and slowly listening to her new album and following the slow release of her promo videos and music videos.

I must confess that I do not like her new album as much as her first one. There was something otherworldly and a little bit folky to her first album that was just perfect for me. Since then, she has gone through a divorce and re-invented herself and her sexuality, something that she showcases in her second album.

Aloysius Suwardi: Planet Harmonik

blog, concert/performance, cultural stories

A lot of the time I just want to collect experiences and try new things. This concert was one such case. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, but I decided to go because it sounded so interesting and different.

Aloysius Suwardi is a professor of music, a composer of Indonesian gamelan music and an inventor of musical instruments. He not only composed the score of Planet Harmonik, but also built the musical instruments is is played on. That alone promised this concert would be quite a unique experience.

Different approaches to events in public spaces.

blog, my stories, thursday thoughts

thursday thoughts

When this post goes up hopefully I will be on a beach on a greek island. Just mentioning it to make you jealous.

I am actually writing it in advance – since I have no smartphone, and even if I did, the last thing on my mind will be blog posts. As it is I am in Athens at the moment and it’s sweltering hot, which is not conductive to thinking of smart things to say either.

Instead I will cop out by continuing the train of thought of an older post of mine about public space and our need to fight for it to stop it being stolen and post a question, that is also a critique.